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Can you get Invisalign on the NHS?

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an incredible technological advancement in teeth straightening, now having treated 10 million people and counting.  It’s a clear alternative to old-school train track braces that we all know and love from our childhoods.

There are several advantages of Invisalign over train tracks so you’re right in wondering is Invisalign available on the NHS?

The clue is in the name, they’re clear, and unless you stare incredibly hard-you’re not going to notice that anyone is wearing them. There are no brackets and no wires, so they won’t cut your lips or cheeks and the best thing is you can eat whatever you like because you simply take them out.

can you get invisalign on the nhs

How does orthodontic treatment work on the NHS?

The NHS is an incredible organisation and what they do for us all is incredible, but we all know the NHS is more than a little cash-strapped. The government simply does not provide the funds to help everyone.

Now we know that misaligned teeth are a health problem, and teeth straightening by an orthodontist is rightly funded by the NHS for children only. Misaligned teeth are a pain to clean. They can cause gum disease, staining, and tooth decay. The difference is that the NHS will only provide funding for individuals deemed to have the highest risk of future problems, not purely because they’re a bit wonky and you don’t like how they look.

A child’s eligibility for NHS orthodontic treatment is decided by something dentists call the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). Essentially, anyone with crooked, gappy, twisted, or misaligned teeth is given a score from 1-5, where 1 is mildest and 5 is the most severe.

If someone is deemed to be a 4 or 5 on the scale then they automatically qualify for NHS orthodontic treatment as they’re classed as having a significant need. A 3 means you’re borderline and the orthodontist may accept you judging by the aesthetics. Unfortunately, if you score a 1 or 2, the NHS thinks that your teeth only have a mild issue and you are unsuitable for NHS orthodontics. But don’t worry, hope is not lost. The NHS is saying they can’t help you, but it doesn’t mean you’re stranded.

So can you get Invisalign on the NHS?

NHS orthodontics are geared up for health. It’s here to ensure your health at the lowest possible cost so they can help as many people with the limited funding the government provides.

It would be great to dish out NHS Invisalign clear aligners but they’re expensive and it would mean significantly fewer people could be helped each year. For this reason, the NHS won’t provide Invisalign braces, or any other premium products. Only traditional metal train track braces are approved as these are more cost-effective and will still do the job.

Invisalign outside of the NHS

If you’re an adult, don’t qualify for NHS orthodontics, or simply don’t fancy train track braces, fear not as hope is not lost.

You can still self-fund Invisalign teeth straightening outside of the NHS. Smile Stories are experts in Invisalign, provides free video consultations for you to find out more, and are the only clinic in Bournemouth and Poole offering 2 years 0% interest-free finance.

Smile Stories can help straighten your teeth

Smile Stories is a Cosmetic Dental Clinic and offers Invisalign in Bournemouth and Poole.

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