Choosing between a private and NHS dentist might seem like a puzzling journey. Both options offer pros and cons, and choosing the right one can often come down to your budget, dental work needs, and personal preferences. At Smile Stories, we’re here to guide you through the differences between NHS dentists and private dentists to […]
Dental plaque is a sticky layer that develops on your teeth and affects everyone. Daily brushing and flossing, as well as regular trips to the hygienist are essential to keep it at bay. If left untreated, plaque has the potential to result in cavities, gingivitis, and various other oral health issues. Plaque is a term […]
Have you seen dental kits for sale that promise to give you all the tools you need to clean your teeth, just like a dentist, at home? Tempted? We don’t blame you! After all, if like most people (our clients excluded), you dread going to the dentist, using a professional dental kit might seem like an obvious way to take better care of your teeth and gums.