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The Perfect Smile For Your Wedding Photos

I get it I’ve been there. You want to look your best in your wedding photos.

So you go through the list. Dress and suit, sorted. Flowers, yes. Hair…makeup…teeth? Teeth!! When you have a wedding coming up there are a million and one things to worry about. Often the first thing people notice in your wedding photos gets overlooked until it’s too late. Your smile.

You want your smile as white as your dress and lighting up the room.

If you want the perfect smile for your wedding photos then here are my 5 most important pieces of advice.

perfect smile for your wedding

Plan early

Getting a wedding smile your photographer will love won’t happen overnight. There are planning stages involved in your teeth as much as anything else on the big day.

Luckily for you all you need is a consultation, the dentist does the hard work for you so you can concentrate on the flowers.

I’d advise you to see your dentist approximately 12-15 months prior to the big day. Teeth straightening can take 9-12 months alone. So if you’re thinking about straightening and whitening you need this much time to get everything sorted.

There’s a white teeth wedding formula you need to know about

If you have tough staining, for example from smoking, traditional cleaning may not give you the glistening smile you deserve for your big day.

Ask your dental surgeon for this winning formula to have the best wedding smile.

Professional Hygiene Clean + Air Flow + Teeth whitening = An incredible gleaming smile

Simply explained then

  • The professional clean from your trusted Bournemouth cosmetic dentist will remove the hard tartar build-up that won’t budge with a toothbrush.
  • Airflow washes your teeth with fine sand particles to remove any tough staining on the outer surfaces to give you the freshest clean you’ll ever feel.
  • Lastly, teeth whitening (or bleaching) will lighten and brighten them to match your dress. This is what changes the shade.

This process from start to finish can take 2 months, so again plan early.

You can see your hygienist without seeing your dentist first

This is perfect for your teeth cleaning close to the big day. You can call your dental surgeon and simply ask to be booked in with the hygienist.

This means no long waits for a dental check-up. The hygienist can do every stage of the ‘winning wedding formula’ above.

Watch what you put in your mouth a few weeks before the wedding

There are certain foods and drinks which can cause your teeth the darken and stain.  Curries, coffee, red wine and smoking should be kept to a minimum for the weeks prior to the wedding.

And on the big day

If you’ve done all of the preparation right you’ll have a perfect wedding smile.

But on the big day, you’ll be eating and drinking…probably a lot.

You’ll need some emergency kit to ensure there’s nothing untoward stuck between your teeth for your photos.

So either in your bag or your bridesmaids make sure you pack:

  1. A mirror
  2. A toothpick, interdental brush or floss
  3. A toothbrush and travel toothpaste
  4. Chewing gum

That way there’ll be no wedding breakfast in storage between your teeth.

And after you’ve got your perfect smile for your wedding day…good luck!

You will never smile so much in a single day.

So go out there and enjoy it.

For more information about the best teeth whitening for wedding day, contact your Bournemouth cosmetic dentists today!


Dr Gareth Edwards BDS (Hons) MFDS RCPS (Glasg) qualified as a dentist with honours. Now practising in the Bournemouth, Poole and Ferndown area, he has a keen interest in aesthetic dentistry including bleaching. He is a certified Invisalign provider.

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