Register with Smile Stories and get back on top of your dental health.
Your path to a hassle-free, healthy mouth starts right here..
All you have to do is fill in the form below.
If you’ve had failing dentistry for years and would finally like to eat the food you love again, be pain-free and not have to worry about broken teeth ever again then get in touch.
Fill in your details and our Client Care Team will be with you shortly.
Choosing your dentist is a big decision. You need to have a trusting relationship knowing that your health is top of their priority list.
Without blowing our own trumpet, we’re a multi-award-winning clinic with the highest rated 5***** Google rating in Bournemouth.
We’re proudly nothing like your old dentist. No weird white coats, no fire-breathing receptionist and absolutely no telling anyone off.
In fact, you may even enjoy coming to the dentist.
We treat our clients exactly like we’d treat our family. Uncompromised, unhurried and with only the best materials and treatments.
Here’s how:
We get asked this a lot, and we understand that dentistry with lifetime results like this seems daunting to begin with.
Some of our clients phase and stage their treatments over months and years, or spread things out to make it manageable month-to-month. That’s why we offer 0% interest-free finance over 18 months, and easy payment plans up to 5 years.
Whichever the path forwards, you have our promise that there’ll never be hidden costs or surprises.
It’s important children form daily habits which are spot-on from an early age (ultimately to prevent ever even needing any dentistry to be done!) and we believe they deserve the same level of care and time as adults… if not more.
At the current time we do not have the capacity to provide dental care to children, but that may change in the future.
We have a car parking for 4 vehicles to the left of the building through the twinkly lights. Alternatively, Waitrose is over the road and has free parking for 2 hours or there’s a Pay and Display on Leslie Road, 2 minutes from the clinic.
At Smile Stories we believe that nobody should be in dental pain. We reserve a very limited number of weekly appointments to help with emergency treatments and get you out of immediate trouble. If they’re booked, we’ll always recommend another dental clinic to you.
We help clients who travel to Smile Stories from hours away! Being a digital clinic, we offer clever tech that means we can monitor various treatments (like Invisalign) remotely. You may only have to visit us a handful of times during your treatment, if that.
Interested in comprehensive dentistry which will last decades? Let us know how we can help you.
Our Client Care Team will be in touch to book you an appointment.